
Free flight tracklog analysis and competition scoring

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Beta testing - Takeoffs - click for maps

PPC Comps

Point picking competitions. You fly around and pick the waypoints you want, in your order.

Active or recently active comps listed here. ( or list all)

What is Paralogg?

A way to get more value out of the tracklogs you upload to Created as a hobby project in 2012 by Staffan Rolfsson. During 2021 rewritten to adapt to Google Cloud evolution, new version in production since 2021-06-22.

WHAT CAN IT DO?: Paralogg was initially created to analyze thermalling, how tight the turns were, how much height was gained etc. Google maps were integrated to show the tracklogs. Then statistics, like for pilot per year, as well as 2D and 3D map animations were added. Since a few years paralogg has also been used for scoring of fun competitions, PPC (point picking comps) and out and returns. Latest addition are comparision of flights, visualisation of airspaces and takeoffs.

LATEST UPDATE: v2025/02/13 Airspace updates SE, NO, DK

Please give me feedback, mail to "myFirstname"@"myLastname".com. /Staffan Rolfsson

Out And Return Comps

Fly as far as you can and come back before window closes

List of competions

Swedish paragliding clubs

Find the pilots, compare to how you fly