Version |
Description |
v2025/01/11 |
Testing QR code XCTrack tasks for PPC |
v2024/11/27 |
New PPC competition |
v2024/09/17 |
Improved color range for lift/sink coloring on 2D map |
v2024/07/25 |
New PPC competition |
v2024/05/29 |
New OAR competition set up. |
v2024/04/07 |
New airspace file for Sweden. Minor adjustments in UI. Bug fix due to flightlog change in takeoff info. |
v2024/04/03 |
A lot of new PPCs |
v2023/12/28 |
Fixed bug in takeOff updates, flightlog changed lat/lon format ... |
v2023/11/27 |
Updated airspaces, C-record support in task declaration on ...FAI page. |
v2023/01/07 |
New attempts to improve flightlog connection stability, some new PPC, minor layout adjustments... |
v2022/06/25 |
Hopefully fixed the annoying (coming and going) connection errors towards flightlog |
v2022/04/21 |
Åre PPC |
v2022/04/04 |
New airspace file for Sweden 2022 rev1, some new PPCs.. |
v2022/01/17 |
A couple of minor bugfixes, some new PPCs etc... |
v2021/08/25 |
Trying out tracklog coloring based on lift/sink rate on 2D map. |
v2021/06/22 |
New re-written version of paralogg in production. As mem-cache is no longer availabe the caching is re-designed. Some things will be quicker and some might be slower... |
v2021/06/14 |
HOaR 2021 comp added, automated PPC-rule for takeoff in cylinder added, updated recent pages. |
v2021/05/27 |
Various performance fixes. |
v2021/05/12 |
Cesium (3D) and OAR bug fixes. |
v2021/05/07 |
Cesium 3D new version, OAR now migrated also. |
v2021/05/04 |
PPC task file generation added, Airspace added on PPC waypointmap, etc |
v2021/03/06 |
New airspace files for Sweden and Spain. New PPC comps - Ålleberg and Dalarna. |
v2021/02/22 |
SWEPOOL updated for 2021. New PPC comp - ÅRE PPC 2021. |
v2021/01/18 |
Beta testing new Python3 migration (no mem-cache). |
v2020/12/16 |
Improved 2D map distance functionality. Declared tasks can be added in different formats and distances are based on Vincenty calculation. |
v2020/05/27 |
Newer airspace files for Sweden (202005rev2) and Portugal(2020) added. Improved wind filter on takeoff pages. |
v2020/05/01 |
New airspace file for Sweden added. New PPC competition for Dalarna. |
v2020/04/05 |
SSL added for https:, link to Portugal take-offs added, New PPC competitions added. |
v2019/04/17 |
New PPC competitions added. Fixed image thumbnails link error in map markers. |
v2018/10/01 |
Cesium 3D needed a new access token, so now it works again after a few hours of being blocked. Updated the Swepool 2018 page. |
v2018/06/07 |
Added start/goal cylinder and the Out point in Out-and-Return flight result map. |
v2018/05/31 |
Preparing for Härkeberga Out-and-Return 2018. |
v2018/04/15 |
Updated airspace files for Sweden and Spain. |
v2018/04/01 |
3D Cesium pages are now using the Cesium World Terrain (instead of deprecated STK World Tileset). Also improved control of zoom level and positioning when following a flight. |
v2018/03/04 |
Improved usability on takeoff pages. Wind direction can now be used in map to filter directly. |
v2018/01/17 |
Some bugs in time synchro for new totally revamped Thermalling algoritm fixed. Thermalling info overlay in 2D maps improved. |
v2018/01/09 |
Thermalling algoritm totally revamped, now quicker and more accurate. Total curving time added. Expect initial longer response time for loading of flight listings. |
v2017/12/13 |
Thermalling info added directly in 2D Map for followed pilot, and animation speed control reengineered. |
v2017/12/10 |
2D Map views coordinated and updated with more navigation in the map itself. |
v2017/12/05 |
Improved display of PPC-points taken/missed for 2D and 3D maps of multiple flights. (clicking "Follow" filters display of ppc-markers per flight). |
v2017/12/01 |
3D is back! Added Race to goal/Elapsed time choice for 3D map animation of multiple flights. |
v2017/11/07 |
3D is back! Added 3D map animation for multiple flights. |
v2017/10/28 |
3D is back! Added a first attempt to use Cesium for 3D map animation of your flights. |
v2017/10/20 |
Added pilot alias on map screen, tuned pilots flights per year screen for network performance |
v2017/09/26 |
Added airspace file for Denmark, and updated airspace file for Spain |
v2017/07/04 |
Added takeoff names to more listings, all flights included in new "photos/stories"-list instead of old "photos" lists |
v2017/05/25 |
TERRAIN instead of ROADMAP is now the default display type for 2D-maps |
v2017/04/11 |
Added takeoff info to flights, included in pilot year listing. (all old flights need to be recalculated, so expect inital longer loading times). |
v2017/01/23 |
Takeoff beta pages updated with airspaces and wind directions in listing . Update the takeoff info at |
v2017/01/16 |
Updated Swepool for 2017. Improved beta-testing takeoff listings/maps per country (Better performance, more countries, more info...). Update the takeoff info at Wind directions in listing left to do. |
v2017/01/09 |
Started beta-testing takeoff listings/maps per country (Norway list is huge, so quite slow there...). Update the takeoff info at |
v2017/01/01 |
Tracklog smoothing (on map and map2D) to 1 sec per point now gives nicer thermaling cork screws for those ungenerous tracklogs (3-10 secs per point will look a lot better now). |
v2016/12/26 |
Minor corrections. |
v2016/10/24 |
Changed the "take-off" page to something less outdated? (testing bootstrap). |
v2016/09/07 |
Added Portugese airspace on Compare-screen. Please note that all airspace info (from has been collected on best effort basis - USE AT OWN RISK - check official sources to be sure |
v2016/09/05 |
Added Spanish airspace on Compare-screen. |
v2016/09/03 |
Improved display of distance info on map screen (Triangles and other calculated distances). |
v2016/08/17 |
Missing airspaces due to same names fixed. Added responsive menus on some screens.Added FAI-triangle display option on map screen. |
v2016/07/17 |
Airspace info in Compare-screen. Including Swedish (407) and Norwegian (333) airspaces currently. Shows all that are within some 200k of any tracklog point of the flights being compared. Only shows relevant airspace classes for the area. (Airspace info is from and NO) |
v2016/07/14 |
Airspace info in Compare-screen. Including Swedish (407) and Norwegian (333) airspaces currently. Shows all that are within some 300k of any tracklog point of the flights being compared. |
v2016/07/13 |
Airspace info in Compare-screen. NB! Not complete - Including only Swedish (404/407) and Norwegian (332/333) airspaces currently. (excl a few circle-arc-shaped ones) Shows all that are within some 300k from takeoff. |
v2016/07/11 |
Airspace info in Compare-screen. Only Sweden currently - includes 404/407 airspaces (excl only 3 circle-arc-shaped ones) and shows all that are within some 300k from takeoff. |
v2016/07/08 |
First attempt to show airspace info - only Sweden currently - in Compare-screen. N.B. Not complete yet, includes only polygonshaped airspaces close to take-off |
v2016/06/01 |
Added new OAR-competition - Härkeberga Out and Return 2016. Added map to OAR comp screen to show start/goal cylinder. |
v2016/05/09 |
Get recent activity functionality fixed after flightlog pages were updated. |
v2016/03/09 |
Orange revolution has slowly trickled down to the statistical diagrams of flight and flights per year. |
v2016/02/01 |
Flightlog changed their URLs for photos, so links were broken, fixed now. |
v2016/01/19 |
Thermal markers are now hidden when zoomed out (avoids cluttering), open distances in km, etc minor updates. |
v2016/01/09 |
Beta launch of "Recent pilot activity"-listings (per country), makes it easier to compare flights... And additional info added to flights, so any old flights will be reloaded from flightlog, expect longer response times on first loading of old listings... |
v2016/01/02 |
Added possibility to list all pilot flights from Tracklog 2D Map (for pilots coming from flightlog). Improved the visibility of pilot photos. |
v2016/01/01 |
Compare flights functionality is now working with better performance. Up to 10 flights can be compared (but then animation will be slow...) |
v2015/12/28 |
The new functionality for comparing flights in 2D maps can now do Race to goal or Elapsed time (when you have less than 12h between start times of the selected flights you can choose). |
v2015/12/27 |
New functionality for comparing flights in 2D maps. |
v2015/11/26 |
Support added for KMZ-files (zipped KML-files) |
v2015/11/24 |
Fix: Flightlog changed header-content-type on their kml-files. It should now work again. |
v2015/09/13 |
Fix: Photos that are uploaded to flightlog after the flight is registred are added when you visit the "result"/"Tracklog analysis" page. |
v2015/09/02 |
Rewritten PPC-comp results update (Get latest flights) as asynchrounus (AJAX) loading. |
v2015/07/10 |
Made 3D-maps work again :) Try them out before Google Earth API closes down for good in September... (In chrome you need to enable the NPAPI using chrome://flags) |
v2015/06/14 |
Added results for Härkeberga OAR and indication of place in comp for OAR-comps. |
v2015/05/21 |
Re-done the asynchonous (AJAX) loading and added it to re-load of club pilot listing also. |
v2015/05/18 |
Re-done loading of pilots all flights per year (using AJAX and delays), to put less presure on flightlog... |
v2015/05/12 |
Added animation in altitude graph on 2D map screen. |
v2015/05/10 |
New possibilities for OAR competitions with penalty% for distance left to goal. Improved handling of deviations in OAR comps (old comps recalculated). |
v2015/05/05 |
Improved caching for OAR competition results. Lowered frequency for batch flightlog requests. |
v2015/04/28 |
Added support for overrides for #atStart and #backInTime in OAR-comps (when tracklog parts are missing). Access to is now restored, thanks Stein-Tore! |
v2015/03/30 |
Added support for handicap in PPC-comps. (My favourite 3D Map animation does sadly not work any more (in most browsers) due to Google Earth plug-in API being disabled. 2D map animation still works fine.) |
v2015/01/28 |
Fixed minor bug (handling missing time items in broken kml-files). My latest 3D Map animation does sadly not work any more (in most browsers) due to Google Earth plug-in API being disabled. 2D map animation still works fine. |
v2015/01/15 |
SWEPOOL 2015 update. My latest 3D Map animation does sadly not work any more (in most browsers) due to Google Earth plug-in API being disabled. Have to find some other possibility to animate in 3D maps... 2D map animation still works fine. Added new front page image (Chamonix, where this idea for track log thermal analysis started). |
v2014/10/26 |
Orange revolution, added an orange paraglider to the 3D animation and made the navigation more orange throughout the site... |
v2014/10/21 |
Added a Tilt and Turn controls for 3D animation in Google Earth plug-in. Improved datatransfer to client - reduced footprint |
v2014/10/17 |
Added a 3D animation of tracklogs using Google Earth plug-in. |
v2014/09/10 |
Updated map animation with (clickable and zoomable) altitude graph (MSL/tracklogpoint). |
v2014/09/03 |
Updated map animation with slider to easy scroll back and forth in animation of long tracklogs. |
v2014/08/12 |
View photos on pilot yearly flights list is now in reverse order - latest first. |
v2014/08/05 |
PPC map markers now include IDs. Map tracklog animation zooms and changes to satellite view automatically. Remake of thermalling analysis (please report any bugs found) |
v2014/06/03 |
OAR (Out And Return) comps functionality updated with automated check for atStart and backInTime. Pilot yearly flights list is now sorted default with latest flight on top. |
v2014/05/27 |
OAR (Out And Return) comps functionality added. PPC comps waypoints are now in three formats (.kml .gpx .cup) |
v2014/05/22 |
PPC comp results now also have a protest option, e.g. a height violation can remove points. PPC Map page now contains list of waypoints also. |
v2014/03/29 |
PPC comp result page will now include also newly signed-up pilots in "Get Latest Flights"-update. |
v2014/02/05 |
Improved caching on PPC comp pages. |
v2014/01/20 |
Stopped using cookies. Maps are now responsive to actual browser size. |
v2014/01/12 |
Changed to old-school slide show for images page (PHOTOS above) due to "smooth" scroller problems with varying image height. Map animation now using "RequestAnimationFrame" |
v2014/01/05 |
Added a new page for SWEPOOL pilots list. (Known bug: Recent photos page (PHOTOS above) shows a second row with one photo on first round of views.) |
v2013/12/20 |
Improved caching for club pilot list (update is now when requested only). (Known bug: Recent photos page (PHOTOS above) shows a second row with one photo...) |
v2013/12/13 |
Re-arranged the main menu items. Added "View photos" option to pilot/year list of flights. (Known bug: Recent photos page shows a second row with one photo...) |
v2013/12/12 |
Caching added on flight lists (Loading latest flights is now an option). Changed the way images are shown on images page. Now you have up to 36 images to scroll through. |
v2013/12/07 |
Now showing the your flightlog images at flight analysis page. New page for list of recent images. Navigation from year map changed, to retain the map as is. |
v2013/11/29 |
Black Friday update, added a club listing page for easier access. Contact me if you want to add clubs. |
v2013/11/25 |
New default sort order (latest flight date) for pilots on club pilots page, and caching improvements on club pilots page. |
v2013/11/24 |
When opening detail page from a list page, a new window/tab is now opened so that the list is retained. Pause button added to map animation. |
v2013/11/10 |
Continued to play with 3D-animation and fixed some html inconsistencies. |
v2013/10/22 |
Makeover on GUI to make layout more "responsive" to size of browser window. |
v2013/10/16 |
Adjusted animation speed on tracklog maps to depend also on zoom level of the map. |
v2013/10/01 |
New sizes for mapsize [0], better adjusted for smartphones? |
v2013/09/09 |
Added a link on home page for visitors that have no flight/pilot number to test the site with... |
v2013/09/01 |
AutoCenter during map animation is now using panning instead of centering, and pans only when going out of bounds. Checkbox to select this is moved into the map itself. |
v2013/08/31 |
Tuning of thermalling detection. Going backwards now and then in headwind is no longer interpreted as turning. |
v2013/08/29 |
Fixed some bugs related to opening url for a kml-file that is not at |
v2013/08/26 |
Added sorting to club pilot listing. Workaround in place for Firefox table display bug. |
v2013/08/17 |
Added autocenter option on map animation. |
v2013/08/14 |
Corrected bug on PPC calculation - wether date of flight is within comp period... . |
v2013/08/11 |
Added height MSL info in tracklog map animation. Improved memcaching. |
v2013/08/09 |
New icons in maps. Added time info on map tracklog animation. Started to improve error handling. |
v2013/08/08 |
Added first version of tracklog animation in tracklog map. (Raining again...) Corrected bug where tracklog was not found for flight that had declared/competition task |
v2013/06/11 |
Known issue Firefox- ppcComp (result page) gets a not so pretty table... |
v2013/06/10 |
Added sorting and paging support on PPC list of flights (raining again...) |
v2013/05/26 |
Played around with stylesheet colors etc (had a rainy afternoon...) |
v2013/05/20 |
Tracklog smoothing now only applied when less than 3 seconds between your tracklog points, this helps to identify your thermalling on choppy tracklogs. (when having 3 or more seconds between your points the smoothing sometimes made thermal identification trickier) |
v2013/04/28 |
Total remake of PPC competition support to facilitate ad-hoc PPC comps. Now also maps for each PPC competitions all waypoints. Added cylinder circles on Tracklog Map also. Testing of Romo Tradgard Cup... |
v2013/04/27 |
Total remake of PPC competition support to facilitate ad-hoc PPC comps. (Please report any bugs you find.) Also added flight open distance aggregation per year. |
v2013/03/31 |
Added more statistics, flight duration, maximum height and gained thermalling height for entire flight and entire year. |
v2013/03/30 |
Fixed minor issue (incorrect starting mapsize when entering from club listing). |
v2013/02/13 |
Fixed issue with latestdate of flight not cached in Club pilot panel. |
v2013/02/12 |
Updated with new PPC-point file for 2013 for new flights (old flights still use previous file). Club backdoor is now also generic ("/club/nn/year" where nn is club_id at flightlog, and year is format YYYY). |
v2013/02/04 |
Got this up on my own domain, |
v2013/01/31 |
Added Viktor to Home page |
v2013/01/21 |
Minor corrections (e.g. not showing irrelevant legend information) |
v2013/01/19 |
Corrected calculation of thermalling sequence mean wind speed |
v2013/01/17 |
Corrected bug with thermalling prev/next links |
v2013/01/16 |
Corrected bug with single flight request, added new rule in analysis to limit false thermalling identification (minimum area required, so walking around at take-off or landing should not indicate thermalling). |
v2013/01/14 |
Added map for flight with marker per thermalling sequence - click them to drill down to thermalling details. Changed site navigation for the new structure. |
v2013/01/13 |
Tuning performance of list of flights after initial load (not loading full flight data on re-load of list only) |
v2013/01/11 |
Tuning performance of zip compressed cache and data storage (to be able to handle also Fenix competition pilots Roldanillo flight lists within AppEngines 1 Mb limits ;) ) |
v2013/01/10 |
Trying out a new timing routine for loading list of many flights (to avoid the "500"-time-out errors), added zip compressed cache and data storage (to be able to handle also Fenix competition pilots Roldanillo flight lists within AppEngines 1 Mb limits ;) ) Some limitations currently on how much tracklog that can be loaded on the yearly flightlist - optimizations ongoing, zipped cache is too slow... |
v2013/01/09 |
Applied a path smoothing filter, thermalling identification works much better now on "choppy" tracklogs |
v2013/01/07 |
Thermalling maps now rezisable, entire flight plotted with thermalling highlighted, and direct navigation possible to previous/next thermalling sequence. (this new visualisation makes it clear that sometimes not all thermallings are we are still in beta even though it looks better?) |
v2013/01/06 |
Finally learned how to plot in the real google maps - check out first try in thermalling details panel, and added 2013 as a valid selection for year ;) |
v2013/01/05 |
Updated presentation layout - CSS |
v2013/01/04 |
Tuned the thermalling detection algoritm further, added more thermalling data detail |
v2013/01/01 |
Added version history panel and some rudimentary error-handling |
v2012/12/29 |
Performance improvements in PPC-analysis |
v2012/12/27 |
Added wind speed and angle analysis during thermalling |
v2012/12/21 |
Added Json support for flight analysis result (add .json to result url) |
v2012/12/16 |
Added rezisable maps |
v2012/12/11 |
Added real navigable Google maps (instead of the fixed images) |
v2012/11/27 |
Improved thermalling detection algoritm (you can also double-check it in thermalling details panel) |
v2012/11/24 |
Added more info texts, next/prev year navigation and thermalling radius statistics per flight and year |
v2012/11/20 |
Improved calculation performance, added info texts (using title) |
v2012/11/02 |
Added a panel containing a list of all flights (based on available tracklogs) for a pilot for a year |
v2012/09/29 |
Migrated the python script based functionality to Google AppEngine |
2012 July |
Got the idea for how to solve the tracklog thermalling analysis after waking up in the middle of the night in Chamonix, wrote it down on a paper in the dark (to avoid waking up my room mate (who is flying on home page...)). Wrote the first code the day after. |