OAR Tracklog Analysis - flight: 331368 - when: 2013-04-27 07:05:04 - Folke L

Label Value
Identified OAR-distancem 7090
At startTrue
Back in timeTrue
Percent flown% 38
Validated OAR-distancem 7090
Left to goalm 0
OAR-distance with bonuskm 8.5

Leg From Point Lat Lon Speed Start dist Dist flown
W 0 63.401167 13.080567 0.0 137 0
F 7506 63.4008 13.108017 3.0 1382 2725
W 7807 63.38505 13.1381 0.6 3448 0
Flight statistics
Date                 2013-04-27
Start/finish         07:05:04 - 11:03:11
Duration             3 : 58 : 07
Max./min. height     832 / 380 m
Max. mean/top speed  25 km/h / 25 km/h
Max/min climb rate   0.53 / -1.38 m/s over 60s
Total distance       14.62 km
Tracklog plotted in red (flying) and blue (walking) (or yellow when animated), start and end is marked with blue, markers. Takeoffs and landings identified are marked with orange and blue, markers.
Found 1 second(-s) between track log points
(NB. Zoom/pan etc is still available while animating...)

Identified thermalling (turning combined with height increase (or reduced sink...))

Thermalling at time Number of turns Thermalling Direction Lift (m/s) Height gain (m) Duration Radius (m)
Total 4.2 4.2 R 0.2 19 0:01:43 30
Curving at 1.7999999999999998 R 0.3 12 41
- Full 360 turn 1 R 0.3 8 41
Curving at 1.2000000000000002 R 0.1 7 31
- Full 360 turn 1 R 0.2 5 31
Curving at 1.2000000000000002 R -0.4 -18 18
- Full 360 turn 1 R -1.0 -13 18